ReadyMage Maintenance Page

ReadyMage Maintenance Page replaces the default Magento 2 maintenance page.

How Does It Work?

If you enable the ReadyMage Maintenance Page ReadyMage Portal will install readymage/maintenance-page module. This module replaces provided by Magento 503.phtml file in /pub/errors/default folder with a custom page.

Enabling ReadyMage Maintenance Page

To enable ReadyMage Maintenance Page navigate to Portal > Selected Project > Selected Instance > Application Management > ReadyMage Maintenance Page and click Enable ReadyMage Maintenance Page.

Confirm that you want to enable the ReadyMage Maintenance Page.

Now ReadyMage Maintenance Page setting tab will have an updated description.

In the Deployments tab, you will be required to run the next deployment without a cache. Automatic deployment will also happen without a cache.

After successful deployment, the ReadyMage Maintenance Page will not be displayed during deployment.

Disable ReadyMage Maintenance Page

To disable the ReadyMage Maintenance Page navigate to Portal > Selected Project > Selected Instance > Application Management > ReadyMage Maintenance Page and click Disable ReadyMage Maintenance Page.

Confirm that you want to disable the ReadyMage Maintenance Page.

Now ReadyMage Maintenance Page setting tab will have an updated description.

In the Deployments tab, you will be required to run the next deployment without a cache. Automatic deployment will also happen without a cache.

After successful deployment, the ReadyMage Maintenance Page will not be displayed during future deployments.

Last updated