
Your instance comes with the NewRelic module already pre-installed. In order to activate it, you must create a NewRelic account and configure the NewRelic license key in the User Portal.

You can get your account NewRelic key by following the instructions here -


For the application name in NewRelic, use the namespace of your instance but without "readymage-" prefix. E.g., if your namespace is "readymage-mystore-yud-1631089038", use the "mystore-yud-1631089038" application name in NewRelic

Once you have your license key you have to go to the User Portal → Project → Selected Instance → Service Management → NewRelic tab and configure it there.

To disconnect NewRelic, remove the key and press the Connect button.

Single Page App Monitoring

ScandiPWA is a SPA (Single Page Application). To make the most of NewRelic and be able to have metrics about page load times you must enable Single Page App monitoring.

Learn more on how to set up and use Single Page App monitoring in official NewRelic documentation.

Last updated