SSH Usage

Each environment can have an SSH container that allows a list of various actions. It doesn’t give direct access to any of the application/database containers.

Utilities that you can use:

  1. Magento cli — magento commands that will be executed on your application pods magento CMD

  2. MySQL cli tools — provides access to your database: mysql // Make dump mysqldump magento --single-transaction --no-tablespaces | gzip > dump.sql.gz

  3. Redis cli — provides access to your redis. To connect: redis-cli -h redis -p 6379

  4. Tools for copying:

    • rsync — use to sync data on local and ssh container. For example, to sync media folder: // From local to SSH container rsync -azP media/ // From SSH container to local rsync -azP

    • scp — the same purpose as rsync.

      NB: the only directory that’s allowed to copy data is /home/magento. Copy database backups and media there only.

  5. Tools for compressing files:

    • gzip

    • tar

    • zcat

    • dar

  6. Useful tools:

    • cat

    • clear

    • curl

    • du

    • find

    • gpg

    • grep

    • head

    • jq

    • pv

    • tail

    • tmux

    • wget

    • nano

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