Database Access using Graphical Interface

You can access the database using a graphical interface that supports SSH connection.


1. Configure SSH Access

Follow this guide to set up SSH access.

2. Get database connection details

After making a successful SSH connection use this command:

cat .my.cnf

Note the following details

  • host

  • user

  • password

3. Setup Sequel Pro

Visit the Sequel Pro official website to set it up.

4. Configure Database Connection

Enter the following details from the data you got in step 2:

  • MySQL Host

  • Username

  • Password

Other details:

  • SSH Host by region:

    • USA Ohio:

    • Europe Ireland:

    • Europe Stockholm:

  • SSH Port - 22

  • SSH User: copy from User Portal following this guide

  • SSH Password: enter only if you have set a password for your SSH when generating it on your computer

Press Connect to connect to your database.

Linux and Windows

1. Configure SSH Access

Follow this guide to set up SSH access.

2. Get database connection details

After making a successful SSH connection use this command:

cat .my.cnf

Note the following details

  • host

  • user

  • password

3. Setup MySQL Workbench

Download available here. Setup instructions for Linux and Windows.

4. Configure Database Connection

Make sure to select Standard TCP/IP over SSH as the Connection Method.

Enter the following details from the data you got in step 2:

  • MySQL Host

  • Username

  • Password

Other details:

  • SSH Host by region (port included):

    • USA Ohio:

    • Europe Ireland:

    • Europe Stockholm:

  • SSH User: copy from User Portal following this guide​

  • SSH Password: enter only if you have set a password for your SSH when generating it on your computer

  • SSH Key File: choose your SSH private key file location.

After filling in the connection parameters click Test Connection and you should see the following window:

Click OK, then OK to save your connection settings and your created connection will be available in the MySQL Connections list.

Last updated