Database and media migration

Migrate ReadyMage database to your local setup

  1. Setup SSH access following these instructions.

  2. Connect to SSH through your terminal.

  3. Run the following commands to create a database dump zip file on the ReadyMage server: mysqldump magento --single-transaction --no-tablespaces | zip dump.sql.gz -

  4. Exit SSH by running command exit

  5. Navigate to the directory where you want to download the database dump on your local machine, for example, Desktop: cd desktop

  6. Run commands scp {SSH USER}:/home/magento/dump.sql.gz . Make sure to replace {SSH USER} part with your ReadyMage SSH username, for example,

    scp .

  7. Unarchive the dump locally.

  8. Rename the unarchived file to dump.sql

  9. Make sure that your local Magento application is running and run the following command to import database dump (./dump.sql should be replaced with the path your dump file) npm run import-db ./dump.sql If the import-db command doesn't exist, check known issues below.

  10. Navigate to your project repository using terminal and run the following commands: npm run stop npm run start npm run cli magento indexer:reindex magento cache:clean

  11. Create a new admin user to be used on your local setup by running this command magento admin:user:create

Know Issues

Import-db not available

If the import-db command is not available add the following line to the package.json file located in the root folder of the cloned repository:

"import-db": "magento-scripts import-db"

Your package.json file scripts variable should have the import-db add

"scripts": {
        "import-db": "magento-scripts import-db",
        "start": "magento-scripts start",
        "stop": "magento-scripts stop",
        "cli": "magento-scripts cli",
        "logs": "magento-scripts logs",
        "link": "magento-scripts link",
        "status": "magento-scripts status",
        "exec": "magento-scripts exec"

Migrate local database to ReadyMage

  1. Navigate to your project repository using terminal and run the following command: npm run status

  2. Copy the name of the MySQL container, for example, readymage-mystore-pwruv-shj-1611224333-master_mysql

  3. Create database dump by running the following command: docker exec {MYSQL CONTAINER NAME} mysqldump magento --single-transaction --no-tablespaces -u magento -pmagento --result-file=/tmp/dump.sql

    Replace {MYSQL CONTAINER NAME} by the container name you copied in step 2.

  4. Download the dump to your Desktop by running the following command: docker cp {MYSQL CONTAINER NAME}:/tmp/dump.sql ~/Desktop/dump.sql

  5. Before importing the database dump to your ReadyMage instance open the database dump and change all the mentions of utf8mb4_general_ci to utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci

  6. Setup SSH access following these instructions. You don't have to connect to it.

  7. Move your database to the ReadyMage server by running the following command from your terminal: scp {LOCAL PATH TO YOUR DUMP} {SSH USER}:/home/magento/dump.sql Replace {LOCAL PATH TO YOUR DUMP} with the path to your database dump and {SSH USER} with your SSH username, for example,

    scp ~/Desktop/dump.sql

  8. Drop the database DROP DATABASE magento; CREATE DATABASE magento;

  9. Connect to SSH and run the following command: mysql magento < dump.sql

  10. Connect to mysql by running mysql command in terminal.

  11. Run the following commands (replace {STORE URL} with your instance store URL): use magento

    UPDATE core_config_data SET value="elasticsearch" where path="catalog/search/elasticsearch7_server_hostname";

  12. UPDATE core_config_data SET value="9200" where path="catalog/search/elasticsearch7_server_port";

    UPDATE core_config_data SET value="2" where path="system/full_page_cache/caching_application";

    UPDATE core_config_data SET value="http://{STORE URL}/" where path="web/unsecure/base_url";

    UPDATE core_config_data SET value="https://{STORE URL}/" where path="web/secure/base_url";

    UPDATE core_config_data SET value="1" where path="web/secure/use_in_frontend";

    UPDATE core_config_data SET value="1" where path="web/secure/use_in_adminhtml"; UPDATE core_config_data SET value="{STORE URL}" where path="web/cookie/cookie_domain";


  13. Access SSH and run the following commands: magento indexer:reindex magento cache:clean

Known Issues

  • Error: Catalog Search index exception: Could not ping search engine: No alive nodes found in your cluster Update elasticsearch port to 9200 in your instance database core config table. Follow instructions here.

  • Error: ERROR 1227 (42000) at line XX: Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER or SET_USER_ID privilege(s) for this operation Please check the reported line. If DEFINER is specified, please remove it.

    To remove it from the entire SQL dump file (DATA-DUMP.sql), you can use the following sed command: sed 's/DEFINER[ ]*=[ ]*[^*]*\*/\*/' DATA-DUMP.sql > DATA-DUMP--cleared.sql

Migrate ReadyMage media to your local setup

  1. Setup SSH access following these instructions.

  2. Run command to download Media Content to your desktop (change the ~/Desktop/media path to your path where you want to dump the media): rsync -azh --partial --append {SSH USER}:/home/magento/media/ ~/media Replace {SSH USER} with your SSH username, for example, rsync -azP ./Desktop/

  3. Move downloaded media content to your repository pub/media folder.

  4. Navigate to the repository in the terminal and run the following commands: npm run cli magento indexer:reindex magento cache:clean

Migrate local media to ReadyMage

  1. Setup SSH access following these instructions.

  2. Navigate to your repository pub folder in terminal and run the command: rsync -azP media/ {SSH USER}:/home/magento/media/

    Replace {SSH USER} with your SSH username, for example, rsync -azh --partial --append --chmod=Du=rwx,Dg=rwx,Do=rx,Fu=rw,Fg=rw,Fo=r media/

  3. Connect to SSH and run the following commands: magento indexer:reindex magento cache:clean

  4. Restart Varnish from Infrastructure Management > Manage Services.

Last updated